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Lawyers who leave private practice to enter government service must be vigilant to protect the interests of former clients while representing their new clients with diligence and zeal. A government lawyer owes continuing obligations to her former clients to protect client confidences and secrets both from disclosure to others and from use by the lawyer to the disadvantage of the former clients. A government lawyer may not undertake work that is the same as or substantially related to work done for a former client without the consent of the former client. While disqualification of a government lawyer from a matter due to work done for a prior client is not imputed to other lawyers in the government 机构 or entity, 在适当情况下应考虑采取筛查措施.


  • 规则1.6(保密)
  • 规则1.(利益冲突:一般规则)
  • 规则1.9(利益冲突:前客户)
  • 规则1.10(推定不合格)

规则1.11 . D.C. 职业行为准则, 历届政府和私人就业, 详细说明适用于离开公职人员的澳门赌场官网的具体道德禁令(例如.g.(政府机构的法律顾问、司法官员或法律助理),然后开始私人执业. 虽然没有类似的规则来处理澳门赌场官网从私人执业到政府就业的运动, D.C. 职业行为准则 address this subject more generally and provide guidance on the ethical constraints that 应用程序ly when a lawyer leaves private practice to enter public service.1 This opinion summarizes the ethical considerations that a lawyer entering government service should bear in mind in discharging her duties to both her former clients and her new government employer.2


1. 保密
澳门赌场官网对前客户的首要职责是保密. 规则1. 6 (a) prohibits a lawyer from revealing a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client or from using a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client to the disadvantage of the client. 这两种不同的职责在客户-澳门赌场官网关系终止后继续存在,见规则1.6, 评论[28], 并且完全适用于从私营部门转到政府部门工作的澳门赌场官网.

首先,规则1.6 mandates that a lawyer who has obtained confidences and secrets about a former client in the course of a former representation must be vigilant not to reveal any protected information obtained from the former client no matter how relevant to the work of his new client. 第二,规则1.6 imposes an additional and perhaps more subtle prohibition relating to client confidences and secrets; namely that the lawyer not knowingly “use” protected information “to the disadvantage of the client.” This prohibition requires that the government lawyer who is presented with an assignment in which he could use former client confidences (without necessarily revealing them to others) to achieve a better result for the government must not do so if there is any reasonably foreseeable disadvantage to the former client. 因此, 例如, a lawyer who in private practice represented automobile manufacturers extensively in product liability litigation and learned information in the course of that representation about the client’s future plans for design changes could not, 作为一名政府雇员, 利用这些信息制定可能被视为对前客户不利的环境法规. 虽然根据规则1,这样的政府任务可能不会作为利益冲突而被禁止.9因为它不会涉及相同或实质上相关的事项, 禁止使用客户的机密或秘密,即使是在不相关的事情上,对前客户不利, 没有客户同意或规则1中的特定例外之一.6(c)及(d).4

2. 利益冲突
规则1.9 provides that a lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client unless the former client consents after consultation.

规则1.9 requires that a government lawyer contemplating representation in a matter directly adverse to the interests of a former client determine whether the matter is the same as or substantially related to representation that the lawyer previously provided to the former client.5 就规则1而言,“事项”的存在和范围.取决于某一特定陈述的事实以及澳门赌场官网个人参与的性质和程度. 代表客户直接参与诉讼或交易的澳门赌场官网, 该规则明确禁止随后为利益重大不利的另一客户代理. “The underlying question is whether the lawyer was so involved in the matter that the subsequent representation can be justly regarded as a changing of sides in the matter in question.” D.C. 规则1.9, Comment [2]; see Brown v. 哥伦比亚特区分区调整委员会,486 A.2d 37, 42 (D.C. 1984). 如果某一事项与为前客户所做的工作相同或实质上相关, 未经双方当事人的书面同意,澳门赌场官网不得进行诉讼, 包括前客户.6 如无同意,政府澳门赌场官网不得代理.

私人执业澳门赌场官网, 因前客户利益冲突而被取消资格.9的责任归于与被取消资格的澳门赌场官网在“事务所”有关联的所有其他澳门赌场官网, 从而有效地阻止澳门赌场官网事务所获得新的代理(在没有客户同意的情况下). 看到 D.C. 规则1.10. 由于假定丧失资格对政府获得法律服务的能力的严酷影响, 然而, the principles of imputed disqualification do not 应用程序ly to disqualify government lawyers who practice in a government 机构 with a lawyer who is disqualified because of prior client representation. 规则1.10、评注[1](“就《澳门赌场官方软件》而言,‘事务所’一词 . . . 不包括政府机构或其他政府实体.”). 因此, 与私人执业的情况不同,在私人执业的情况下,所有澳门赌场官网都与根据规则1被取消资格的澳门赌场官网一起在澳门赌场官网事务所工作.根据规则1,也有9名选手因归算而被取消资格.10, 在政府背景下, 政府办公室的澳门赌场官网们, 机构, 与个人不合格的澳门赌场官网合作的部门不禁止代理对该澳门赌场官网的前客户不利的案件.

D.C. 规则1.11, 哪一项涉及从政府转到私人执业的澳门赌场官网, 同样,不能将前政府澳门赌场官网的不合格归咎于私营公司的其他澳门赌场官网, 但确实需要实施特定的筛选机制,以避免被推定为不合格. 看到 规则1.11(c)-(e). 虽然我们的规则没有明确要求在政府背景下对根据规则1因先前的客户关系而丧失资格的澳门赌场官网进行这种筛选.9, consideration and implementation by the government 机构 of voluntary screening measures that effectively insulate the lawyer from ongoing contact with the matter from which she is disqualified should be considered.7 这些措施向澳门赌场官网的前客户提供了重要的保证,即澳门赌场官网遵守规则1规定的道德义务.6和1.这表明政府机构适当认识到这些义务的重要性.

强调对前客户的责任, 本意见并不打算忽视新任政府澳门赌场官网对其新的政府客户的道德义务. 就像所有受这些规则约束的澳门赌场官网一样, 澳门赌场官网必须称职地代表她的政府客户.C. 规则1.1),“在法律范围内热心和勤奋”(D.C. 规则1.3), 并以避免利益冲突或损害澳门赌场官网的专业判断的方式(D.C. 规则1.7). 和所有政府澳门赌场官网一样, 从私人执业加入政府部门的澳门赌场官网也必须对《澳门赌场官网》的这些条款敏感.C. 专门针对政府澳门赌场官网道德义务的职业行为规则. 看,e.g., D.C. 规则3.8(检察官的特别义务). 最后,政府澳门赌场官网必须对一个现实保持敏感.C. 《澳门赌场官方软件》只是管理政府澳门赌场官网行为的更大权威机构的一个组成部分;8 讨论这些法规和规章的具体内容, 然而, 是不是超出了这个观点的范围.



1. 解析:选D.C. 职业行为准则, 有适用于政府雇员的刑事和民事法律法规的禁止和义务, 包括澳门赌场官网. 这些法规和条例, 哪些涉及诸如利益冲突之类的主题, 财务信息披露, 对付款和离职后活动的限制, 包括(1)在第18编第11章的刑事利益冲突法, United States Code; (2) the restrictions on gifts in 5 U.S.C. §§ 7351 and 7353; (3) the 财务信息披露 requirements of 5 U.S.C. 应用程序. 第101条,及以下.; (4) Executive Order 12731; and (5) the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch set forth in 5 C.F.R. 部分2635. 本意见不涉及这些要求, 哪些也必须由政府澳门赌场官网遵守.
2. 类似的, this Opinion does not address the ethical issues that are presented when a private lawyer temporarily provides legal services to a government 机构 or entity. 看到维.C. 澳门赌场官网协会意见268(1996)(私人澳门赌场官网自愿向检察官提供法律援助的利益冲突问题).C. 公司法律顾问).
3. A lawyer in private practice contemplating a move to government service also must be sensitive to ethical obligations that may arise during the transition process. 在某种程度上,澳门赌场官网转移到政府服务涉及终止正在进行的客户代理, 澳门赌场官网必须尽量减少对委托人可能产生的不利影响,并符合D . 1的要求.C. 规则1.16. 即使在客户陈述结案的情况下, 可能会有持续的客户义务, 包括提供客户文件的适当传输或处置的需要. 这些义务已在委员会的其他意见中提到,这里不再重述. 看,e.g., D.C. 酒吧 Opinion 283 (1998) (Disposition of Closed Client Files); D.C. 澳门赌场官网意见第294号(1999年)(退休澳门赌场官网出售澳门赌场官网执业). 除了, a lawyer in private practice contemplating a move to the government also must be sensitive to any potential conflicts of interest that may be presented during the course of seeking government employment. 看,e.g., D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会意见210(1990)(寻求澳门赌场官网助理职位的刑事被告代理).S. 澳门赌场官网).
4. 因为规则1.仅限于客户的机密和秘密, 它的限制不会扩大, 当然, 关于一个行业的一般信息, 业务范围, 法律的解释, 经济部门, 就像一个澳门赌场官网在她的职业生涯中所学到的那样.
5. To the extent that determination of what constitutes “the same or a substantially related matter” presents difficult questions of interpretation under the 应用程序licable ethical rules, 政府澳门赌场官网应充分利用美国澳门赌场官网事务所所代表的重要资源.S. 政府道德办公室和为其特定机构指定的机构道德官员.
6. 规则1.11, 离开政府部门从事私人执业的澳门赌场官网由哪条规定, 不包含放弃澳门赌场官网资格取消的条款. 这不是“反向旋转门”的情况.e.从私人执业到政府,这是受规则1管辖的.9. 对规则1的注释[3].9 .同时注意到规则1.第11条规定了从政府到私人执业的过渡, 明确指出,“取消后续代理资格是为了保护客户,客户可以放弃.
7. The screening measures identified in Opinion 279 (Availability of Screening as Cure for Imputed Disqualification) provide guidance on important factors that should be considered in establishing an ethical screen.
8. 看,e.g.、附注1所引用的法例及规例.
